Schlagwort: foreign student

  • How international is the UHH?*

    The purpose of this work is to show the development of the international students at the University of Hamburg from 1919, year of the foundation, to 2017. An overview by Giancarlo Marin.

  • Foreign Students at Hamburg University

    This conversation is based on an interview I have conducted with Miss Karolina Monzer, a former student of special education at the University of Hamburg. Miss Monzer has taken part at the known refugees’ cafeteria at the university campus and helped refugees attaining a seat for studying at the University of Hamburg. An Interview by…

  • Foreign Student at University of Hamburg: Past, Present, Future

    Since the autumn of 2014, I am living in Hamburg, and I have been a biology master student at University of Hamburg since 2015. Being a foreign student in Hamburg and at the University of Hamburg has been a challenging and hard, yet valuable experience. From the very beginning, language was a big hurdle and…